My name is Alix and I am owned by my amazing reptiles at Heckin’ Fine Geckos!
Growing up I’d had the opportunity to raise and learn to care for an enormous variety of creatures. Our family, at one point or another, had fish, birds, rodents, dogs, cats, small livestock, and various other mammals. We’d never done reptiles or amphibians.
Breeding cockatiels some years back showed me that I LOVE the challenge of learning about genetics and mutations/morphs/variants. During the craziness of late 2019 and through 2020 that has become everyday life, I felt the craving of another biology project. And that’s when I found leopard geckos!
I became infatuated immediately with the gecko grin. And now I have breeding goals to work with genetics, while keeping the goal of strong healthy bloodlines a primary focus. To achieve all of this, I am shipping in breeding stock from some of the most educated and successful reptile breeders in North America and Europe.
Animals for sale will come with as much history as I have on them if I am content that they could be decent breeding stock. TSF and TSM are temperature sexed animals and is a “more-than-likely” scenario. Even with the most meticulous temperature monitoring during incubation, there are tiny chances of a baby hatching as the not-intended gender.
Animals for sale that are meant for being pets only will have limited information aside from their age/hatch date. If they are mature, I can also list their gender.
In future I may expand beyond just leopard geckos. My goals would be to focus on animals that are not terribly difficult to tame, or couldn’t cause harm if they wanted to. Stay tuned!